Março 8, 2022

On November 15, 2021, the government presented the Portugal 2030 partnership agreement. The executive highlighted that Portugal has at its disposal a total of 51,547 billion euros and the five strategic objectives of this partnership agreement were underlined:

  1. A smarter Europe, with an emphasis on innovation, digitalisation, business competitiveness, skills for smart specialization, industrial transition and entrepreneurship;
  2. A greener Europe that implements the Paris Agreement and invests in energy transition, renewable energies and the fight against climate change;
  3. A more connected Europe, with strategic transport networks, more sustainable mobility and with a focus on railways;
  4. A more social Europe, in the path of the European Pillar of Social Rights, in the qualification of workers, in the fight for equality and protection of the most vulnerable;
  5. A Europe closer to the citizens, with a dimension of territory, of inclusion and integrated approaches, to combine instruments, resources, and financing in a more adjusted way, and of promoting partnerships and strategies that combine instruments of a different order, but that in a planning logic can correspond more directly to the objectives of convergence and territorial cohesion.

It is important to understand the strategic objectives of Portugal 2030, because, likePortugal 2020, these objectives define the measures/incentives to support Portuguese companies.

You can consult in detail the strategic objectives for the application of European Funds in our country for the multiannual financing framework (QFP 2021-27) at the link below:

Presentation Download – Portugal 2030

Website Portugal 2030

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